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Donnie Quillen

181 Products
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Donnie Quillen grew up in small town located in Ohio and is a self-taught photographer. He always had an appreciation for art growing up but as he got older the love grew stronger.  Donnie picked up his first camera back in 2013 and decided to catch some of the beautiful views the Midwest had to offer. He loves capturing sunsets and amazing landscapes all around Ohio.

Donnie travels with his wife quite a bit and his Canon 5D Mark III is always with him. He constantly pulls over on the side of the road and captures anything he finds interesting.  Donnie says, “I sometimes push the limits getting the perfect shot but the end result is always worth it.”  “Nothing excites me more than seeing people's reactions to my work and capturing those memories for people that will last a lifetime.” Along with being a landscape photographer, Donnie also shoots weddings, families, product work for other small businesses and he operates his own store front located near his hometown. “My love for photography has taken me to some amazing places and gave me the ability to meet some amazing people.”
DQ122 - Manhattan Sunrise II

Donnie Quillen

DQ122 - Manhattan Sunrise IIDonnie QuillenThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. Please note: Large Format Giclee prints do not require a minimum order.P.O.D....
DQ121 - Manhattan Sunrise I

Donnie Quillen

DQ121 - Manhattan Sunrise IDonnie QuillenThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. Please note: Large Format Giclee prints do not require a minimum order.P.O.D....
DQ120 - Crosswalks of Manhattan II

Donnie Quillen

DQ120 - Crosswalks of Manhattan IIDonnie QuillenThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. Please note: Large Format Giclee prints do not require a minimum...
DQ113 - A Summer Sunset II - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ113 - A Summer Sunset IIDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available...
DQ112 - A Summer Sunset I - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ112 - A Summer Sunset IDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available...
DQ103 - Storm Season II - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ103 - Storm Season IIDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ102 - Storm Season I - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ102 - Storm Season IDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ101 - Midwest Livin' II - 16x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ101 - Midwest Livin' IIDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ100 - Midwest Livin' I - 16x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ100 - Midwest Livin' IDonnie QuillenIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ124 - At Peace - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ124 - At PeaceDonnie Quillen In Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ123 - Don't Break - 12x18

Donnie Quillen

DQ123 - Don't BreakDonnie Quillen In Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on...
DQ119 - Crosswalks of Manhattan I - 12x18

Donnie Quillen

DQ119 - Crosswalks of Manhattan IDonnie Quillen In Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also...
DQ117 - Suspension Bridge at Dusk - 18x12

Donnie Quillen

DQ117 - Suspension Bridge at DuskDonnie Quillen In Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. Large Format Giclee Prints are printed on 300gsm photo paper using state of the art technology with superior inks. All of the artwork you see on our website is also...

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