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Lee Keller

157 Products
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  • Lee Keller
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Western NC artist Lee Keller has always had a strong connection and love for animals. Her interest in art began with a love of drawing and painting as a young child. She studied Fine Art at the community college level then Fine Art and Graphic Design at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. Seemed only natural to combine her love of art, animals and nature into her dream job. Lee states, “The goal of my art is to brighten a room, bring some smiles and honor the beauty, innocence, and best of all, humor in all of God’s creations”.

LK147 - Welcome Winter Polar Bear - 12x16

Lee Keller

LK147 - Welcome Winter Polar Bear - 12x16Lee KellerIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a...
LK102 - Smart Moo Moo Cow - 16x12

Lee Keller

LK102 - Smart Moo Moo Cow - 16x12 Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers...
LK103 - Smart Rabbit - 12x16

Lee Keller

LK103 - Smart Rabbit - 12x16Lee Keller This image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK110 - Doodles the Goat - 16x12

Lee Keller

LK110 - Doodles the Goat - 16x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK111 - Raymond the Donkey - 16x12

Lee Keller

LK111 - Raymond the Donkey - 16x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK125 - Darling Darla - 16x12

Lee Keller

LK125 - Darling Darla - 16x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100#...
LK127 - Puna the Pig  - 12x12

Lee Keller

LK127 - Puna the Pig - 12x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK128 - Fergus the Highland Cow   - 12x12

Lee Keller

LK128 - Fergus the Highland Cow - 12x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using...
LK132 - Hydrangea Blooms I  - 12x16

Lee Keller

LK132 - Hydrangea Blooms I - 12x16Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK133 - Hydrangea Blooms II   - 12x16

Lee Keller

LK133 - Hydrangea Blooms II - 12x16Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
LK137 - Christmas Goat - 12x12

Lee Keller

LK137 - Christmas Goat - 12x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100#...
LK139 - Christmas Goat - 12x12

Lee Keller

LK139 - Christmas Goat - 12x12Lee KellerThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100#...
LK140 - Christmas Pig II - 12x12

Lee Keller

LK140 - Christmas Pig II - 12x12Lee Keller This image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using...

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